It all started with a blessing of a chance, that when the correspondent of P.S. Senior Sec. School went to have darshan of Periava in Varanasi in Sept 2023. His Holiness expressed his intention to establish a coaching academy for the aspirants of civil services examination from the deserving sections of community. His desire stemmed from the fact that not many students who are graduating from various streams these days prefer to get into civil services with the result that the domain itself is losing many worthy candidates.
His Holiness recalled the golden days of the past when our people from Tamil Nadu were actively and honestly presenting themselves in the Nation’s premier and prestigious Service and expressed his concern for the present generation of the community aspiring for lucrative positions abroad and for serving foreign countries, causing heavy brain drain to our Nation. Moreover, H.H also opined that their knowledge and expertise should bring prosperity to the motherland through their direct and dedicated service with their commitment and involvement in the clean administration of the nation.
Periava wondered if the 100 plus year old, reputed PS institution situated in Mylapore, could help in establishing and running an IAS coaching academy. Periava’s suggestion was taken as a ‘command’ and in the next meeting of PSES managing committee, the establishment of SKMA for Civil Services with infrastructural support from the P S Senior Secondary School (outside school hours) was approved. The academy had its modest inauguration 0n 26th April, 2024 at P S Senior Secondary School Premises.
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